Every Wednesday experience the unlocking of secrets to success, how to handle the worst and the best life throws at you. Get past The Pretty; the glitz and the glam that many see on social media. The Ugly; the bedrock beginnings and hard times that are difficult that make you
In 2012 CEO, Kimberly Bryant created the organization Black Girls Code. Black Girls Code is an organization that proves that regardless of race or gender, some young ladies are the future of technology. Black Girls Code motto is to empower women of color to unlock their
Every Wednesday experience the unlocking of secretes to success, how to handle the worst and the best life throws at you. Get past The Pretty ; the glitz and the glam that many see on social media. The Ugly; the bed rock beginnings and hard times that are difficult that
Are you ready for the rumor rollout?!?!? Well here it is! Is Jay-Z and Beyonce having another baby? Well the internet has been going crazy claiming that Jay-Z and Beyonce may be expecting another baby to add to the Carter collection. But of course Daddy Jay-Z had something to say