ADRI.V The Go Getta Talks with artists Coi Leray inside The Go Getta District at Taste Radio on DASH. Listen in as they discuss how Coi Leray got started, what she has been up to, and her G Codes to success. ADRIVTheGoGetta · ADRI.V The Go Getta Talks With Coi Leray
Every Week I look to feature and interview a young mover and shaker who embodies the “Go Getta Spirit” and is doing great things for the people and themselves in the Western New York and Southern Ontario community. Having the the blessed opportunity of having my show “The
Hey WBLK Family join me tonight ADRI.V The Go Getta as we Get In The Mix, The Go Getta Mix with my featured DJ Every Friday night from 10PM-2AM for the month of March DJ Heavyness. Make sure you Tune in and Turn up starting at 10PM as we bring the Club to the Crib! Follow Us on