Want to get in the know? Check out The 411 With ADRI.V The Go Getta Weekdays on The Only Night Show That Matters with DJ Supreme. Here is your daily dosage of Entertainment Newz The Go Getta way! The Seattle Seahawks Fullback Derrick Coleman gives a new meaning to motivation!
Every Week I look to feature and interview a young mover and shaker who embodies the “Go Getta Spirit” and is doing great things for the people and themselves in the Western New York and Southern Ontario community. Having the the blessed opportunity of having my show “The Go
DJ Spin Photo If you missed The Go Getta Mix last night here is your chance to get back in the mix with me and my featured DJ Spin “Da Klub Killa”. ADRI.V Photo Below Check out my Featured Go Getta Mix for the week. If your like me and have been looking for a good
Winging It! Buffalo Style Screen Shot So Friday, October 5th was the wrap up of the City of Buffalo and Mayor Byron Brown “Game Changers” Program. As I shared before I had the great opportunity of speaking with the youth for one of the program workshops on the