Every Week I look to feature and interview a young mover and shaker who embodies the “Go Getta Spirit” and is doing great things for the people and themselves in the Western New York and Southern Ontario community. Having the the blessed opportunity of having my show “The Go
When I first heard this song it really stuck with me. The words alone tells a story and speaks of one thing we all seem to have….Dreams!!! The group Fame or Juliet consists of Jeremias, Caleb and J.Forte. They are all 19 years old. Fame or Juliet just dropped
I am so honored and excited to be a part of the 3rd annual “Who Runs The World? Girls!” Back to school event brought to you by radio personality Shay Moore. Each year the event gets bigger and bigger and this year’s keynote speaker will be a Vh1 reality show guest
Join the New Girls Movement and be a Go Getta Girl! Every Other Thursday of The Month at the Delavan Grider Community Center from 5:30PM-7PM. Know a young lady who is a Go Getta well send her our way!
T.I has always been a man about his money and this time he has put a price tag on himself! The 10 year deal with Atlantic Records has expired and Atlanta native T.I the Trouble Man rapper is shopping for a record deal and has placed $75 Million price on his brand. This $75
Early in August I had the unique opportunity to interview Buffalo’s very on Alexis Spight who is one of the two finalists on the BET Sundays Best singing competition show. If you haven’t been watching, this Buffalo native each week wows the judges and audience with her powerful
Each year the University at Buffalo puts on one of the biggest concerts in Weastern New York Fallfest during the fall and Springfest during the spring. This year Springfest just like each year packed out Alumni Arena with talents performing such as Rick Ross, The New Boyz,
On Tuesday June 12th I got motivated with the Get Motivated Business Seminar at the First Niagara Center. I enjoyed comedian, actor, author, television producer, educator (I can go on and on) Bill Cosby with his motivating speech quoting singer and songwriter James Brown Sex
Yesterday I had the great opportunity to attend beautiful art exhibit in support of The Alzheimers Foundation of America at the 2nd Cup Café. The Art Exhibit “Box Work” was a collection of beautiful art work all done on boxes of all sizes. The creator of this event and artist is